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Kidnapped IDF soldier, Gilad Shali, is Held Prisoner in Gaza


June 18, 2010 I called my friend to tell him what I saw about Gilad: I can see him stable, physically as well as emotionally. The location I can see him is either a government or official building related to law, judge, and court. In any case not a religious building or institution. Not religious court. A place where laws or legal issues are created or worked out. Not close to the seaside. If there is a cemetery close to such kind of building I just described then this could be a hint regarding the building. From where the king is looking to his crowd. The surrounding is comfortable and clean. He is still inside but there are plans or ideas to bring in someone from outside to contact to him. I can see contacts or movement from outside happening to connect to him inside. It looks like a preparation to give a new sign or new conditions for him. I can see changes happening around him, people changing around him. Looks like the people who are responsible for him are changing, another unit. Probably even a group who is not from inside Gaza. Possibly Foreigners. Soon some kind of news regarding him, from him or a sign about him. I see him moving out of Gaza soon.


September 28, 2010 Outcome 1: Several Israeli Newspaper announced today that in Egypt an important Hamas leader was arrested. He knows about the place where Gilad Shalit is hold prison. He gave new information about the captured Soldier. This is the news or the sign regarding him I saw in the report. It also said in the News that Hamas is afraid the IDF could attack the location and is bringing Shalit to a new place. I saw changes around him and people guarding him changing. Moving Shalit to a different place are changes around him and can also be the reason why a new group of fighters will guard him. October 18, 2011 Outcome 2: After five years of imprisonment as POW and on the day 16 months after my VISION of his move out of Gaza, Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was set free by Hamas and sent to Egypt.

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